SV1: Geliga Turtle Sanctuary


Whoever that used to go to Cherating especially as a place to hold a Team Building or outdoor activities, I guess The Geliga Turtle Sanctuary is not an alien place to be put in the list.

For your info, this place is took care by Pok Su Cherating under LKIM fund. For your info too, for the year 2013, this sanctuary which situated in Pantai Teluk Mak Nik, Cherating - Kemaman was listed again as most landed beach compared to other places in the Peninsular Malaysia. 

Pok Su in red; he also appear quite lots in this type of tourism magazine including in Australia and France.
Just want to sum up some activity related to this place. For March and April when turtles will come to shore to lay their eggs. If you want to release the young turtles, so the suitable time for you should be on May or June because turtles will have their eggs matured in a period of two months. The costs for watching the turtles would be arounf MYR 70 per head including transportation. 

Let's talk about other story about the sanctuary. 

Eventhough this sanctuary is government funded, but as Pok Su said it is really hard to get the fund from respective department. He also mentioned that it is really quite a few people that want to work as a watcher or ranger. This is due to the working hour which will stretch from 8p.m to everyday besides the payment at most MYR900. During the peak season, this sanctuary receives lots of tourist especially from outside of Malaysia. Thus, he managed to get more fund from the tourism activities to top up all the necessary expenses.

Pok Su again said that it would be nice if the site has a small and simple proper gallery because he has his own collection to be shared to visitors. Until now, the sponsorship still didn't received by the sanctuary. Thus, u still can donate or just contact Pok Su directly through his facebook page.

kA: fyi too, Pok Su actual job is tourist guide. But when come to no one willing to do what he does now and because of passions he is having. He focus on the sanctuary center 24/7 now. Glad and really proud to had a citizen like him :')

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