Restoran Subang Ku


Haih... I don't know wether there is any reader still reading my blog nowadays. It is quite a hectic days passing by. Really sorry for not visiting any of your blog o my dear bloggers friends.

Actually this post is nothing except to share some photos and a personal view about one of eating places that I have recently been. Restoran Subang Ku near the Subang Airport is a restaurant that serves fresh seafoods and other chinese cuisines. As all of us are aware and expect, the price of seafoods are quite expensive. Same goes to this place. Siakap in Malay or seabass in English around MYR7.50 per 100g. The most expensive fish are "ikan Ubi" which I don't really know what it called in English. This fish are MYR18.00 per 100g.

Okay, that's the normal range I think. However, after finished our meals that night, all of us were quite disappointed. We were charged for wet tissue, peanuts and some other stuffs which we did not ordered at the first place. Eventhough, the costs are quite a small portion from the bill, but we felt we've been tricked.

Overall, the tastes are average, the price are quite high maybe because this one is near the airport but the freshness of the foods are at par with other seafood restaurants. By the way, a jug of watermelon and longan juice will cost you MYR21.00, double with what other restaurants will charge you.

If you want to eat seafoods in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, you better find other places such as Nong and Jimmy or other restaurants in Klang or Kuala Selangor. That's all..thanks for reading!


  1. in sum: not recommended la ni? Muara Ikan Bakar, Port Klang pernah cuba?

    ps: Tu la, selalu jenguk gak kalau2 ada entri baru. kenapa senyap sangat...tak pergi 'menembak'?

    1. Tak recommended! Sebab boleh dapat y lagi best dengan harga y lagi murah kt tempat lain.

      p/s balik: Tak dannnn la Soleh...huuuuuu :'( huuuuu:'(

  2. sori2 lama tak jenguk blog nih... TT^TT

    wow... mengalir je saliva nih hah.. tgok makanan pepagi 3.30 pagi nih :D

    owh owh ikan ubi.. mmg patut pun mahal sbb rasa dia mmg perghh terbaik ^__^
    dulu penah tangkap sekor... kebetulan time tuh ikan tuh pening and masuk kail Hikari XDD

    mmg habuan tengah hari makan ikan ubi hehehe..

    anyway, watermelon juice its fine but longan.. owh no... that taste.. hurmmm sorry.. but I didn't like it.. I try but I fail... :P

    1. haha..saya pon lama tak blogging.

      dah kenapa 3.30 pagi online lagi? aiyaa..

      Ikan ubi the best..siyes. lebih kurang r ngan ikan kerapu.. huu

      Gabungan dua tu best la Hikari..wangi n manis.. siyes.

      Thanks for visiting ye! :)

  3. Ikan ubi ? This is the 1st time i heard of its name. How's the taste like ?

    1. Sedap kak... serious tak tipu ikan ubi ni. Ala2 kerapu.

  4. Nong & Jimmy dekat Ampang tu eh ?

    p.s : lame tak nampak ko kat blog. Hahaha.

    1. Yes! tepat sekali..dengan ketam bakar y gedabak dia..peh!

      p.s blik: bizi cik kak. :P

  5. X tau plak ikan ubi tu... :D

    1. Sedappppp! serius! haha..tapi mahal pon serius jugak! :P

  6. Ya Allah mahalnya >.<
    But if they are delicious, worth it right? xD

    1. Sedap, tapi masih tak berbaloi..hahaha


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