Racist is another taboo term in our daily lifestyle. I don't know how it goes in other parts in Malaysia. Here, in Kuala Lumpur it is still quite obvious on how this thing is going. For those who still have the stigma towards other races, please remember when you were a little child. We were not born racist. Either we set our mind by ourselves or we were taught to be one.
Last couple of days when I'm out shooting some photos (actually I am still learning on how to shoot street), I've noticed that when we look at most of the foreign workers, they are quite harmony and compatible among them. Some say that, this is due to they are being far from their homeland.
Back to main discussion again. We are not born racist, so why do we need to be one? Or maybe those people who are racist didn't even try to befriend with others? or should I say social retarded? For me, I have lots of Tiong Hwa and Indian friends and they are super cool and happening. Visuvasan for example, I know him from our last job in Petronas Twin Towers, Tower 1 couple of years ago. After both of us got separated because of accepting other job offers for years, he still calling me from time to time and vice versa. I have some friends from Kayan, Melanau, Iban and Murut as well. All of them are nice.
Allah said in the Noble Quran:
Racist is another taboo term in our daily lifestyle. I don't know how it goes in other parts in Malaysia. Here, in Kuala Lumpur it is still quite obvious on how this thing is going. For those who still have the stigma towards other races, please remember when you were a little child. We were not born racist. Either we set our mind by ourselves or we were taught to be one.
Last couple of days when I'm out shooting some photos (actually I am still learning on how to shoot street), I've noticed that when we look at most of the foreign workers, they are quite harmony and compatible among them. Some say that, this is due to they are being far from their homeland.
So, do we supposed to be suspicious or prejudice towards other because we have the "ketuanan" title?. Who are we compared to other? It is right to protect our soil from foreign elements, but most of them come to Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur to be exact) in peace. I know, if we go to Taman Kosas, Ampang, there are some foreigners there who are doing a few misconducts, but we are still having the right ways to overcome the situation. However, please don't try to overcome by yourself because it will worsen the situation.
O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.- Surah Al-Hujurat: verses 13kA: I really like to join any programs held by company or other organization that are having not only a race or ethnic. Even though we can go to their place to know their customs, we still can learn and listen to them.
setuju krungkrung ada kawan yg racist and agak aggresive dan dia cakap dia tak leh masuk dgn satu kaum nie walaupun satu kelas ..i dont know why :(
BalasPadamThat's right! Takmo racists..semua orang ada part untuk bangunkan negara ni.. saling menghormati kan bagus.
BalasPadamCepuk je kepala die sebijik! hehe.. kidding.. cakap kat dia, jangan buat macam tu.. kita ni hidup bermasyarakat..pelbagai kaum dan etnik pulak tu.. kita duk cari keburukan je, memang tenggelamlah kebenaran dan kemanisan..
BalasPadamKan? Serius makin lama makin nyampah dengan kepala-kepala yang rasis ni. Macam xde benda lain nak fikir.
BalasPadamhusna rasa kita tak racist, cuma bjaga2.. yelaa skarang nih kan dah bnyak brlaku jenayah yg kdg2 dilakukan oleh diorang sdiri.. :)
BalasPadamHmmm..dorang tu sape? Tapi jenayah yang dilakukan oleh orang kita yang selalu keluar media kalau tak silap saya, Husna..
BalasPadamBaru nak cakap budak kecik tu kau ke , tapi tak jadilah. Hahaha. :P
BalasPadamKo ni Nad..aku tahu la rambut dah nak sama. Tapi ko harus tahu yang aku jugak lagi comel.
BalasPadamAbsolutely, that's what I'm saying Noe. Since we a little child we already taught about this "seperation" idea. Actually, some psychologists said that even when we were born, we tend to feel the difference between a group with another. However, for me, there will be always some glitch in human perception and theory and yes, including mine.
BalasPadamJika dilihat dari Sirah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W sendiri pun, tiada ungkapan racist ini. Racist hanya wujud dalam kamus orang yang mahu memisahkan dan bukan mahu menyatukan. Islam itu sendiri menyatukan, walau berlainan bangsa warna kulit, kita semua sama di sisi Tuhan.
BalasPadamBetul tu bang. Kita semua makhluk yang akhirnya akan dibezakan berdasarkan taqwa kepadaNya semata. Terima kasih bang.